Preparing for the First Day of Preschool

So the day has come for your child to leave the nest and enter preschool. As an extremely important time, the first day of school (as well as the days leading up to it) can be exciting, emotional, and stressful all at the same time.

But the good news is, all those emotions and details can be managed easily. All you need to do is be prepared.

Below are some tips to help you do just that:

Select the right outfit

Be sure to check the weather forecast for that day and pick the clothes accordingly. Comfort is key, so select clothing items that will allow your child to move freely. Also take into consideration the taste and personality of your kid, and choose outfits that would somehow reflect them.

Grooming is also important, so make sure have all your bases covered. Get your child a clean haircut, or if kid has long hair, fix up those locks using a ponytail or a presentable hairdo. Also ensure that your child's nails are clipped. Long nails will accumulate germs, not to mention, it doesn't look good in the eyes of teachers and other students.

Load up the backpack

First things first: When selecting a backpack, choose practicality over appearance. Purchase a backpack that's durable and water-resistant so you won't have to worry about too much wear and tear. Also let your kids test out the bag before buying. Ask yourself the following questions: Can they open and close it easily? Are they able to lift the backpack with ease? How does your child look while wearing the backpack?

Now that you've satisfied your questions and selected a backpack, it's time to talk about its contents. When stocking your child's bag, be sure to include the following:

Forms of identification

Place a label outside the bag with your child's name, along with your address and contact information. This way, if the backpack gets misplaced, the people who found it will have a way to get a hold of you.

School-specified items or supplies

Contrary to what some might think, it may not be necessary to put pencils or crayons in your kid's backpack. Most preschools already have the supplies covered, so there's no reason to burden your child with extra items. However, do take note of any teacher-specified items and make sure to include them in the contents of your child's backpack.

Change of clothes

Extra clothes (including underwear) will come in handy for a number of situations. Firstly, things can get pretty messy when preschoolers, crayons, and paint are put together.

There's a huge chance that you child may get some "art" on his or her clothes, so it's best to always have a backup outfit to keep your kid looking presentable.

Additionally, potty accidents can still happen during preschool, so having a change of clothes and underwear is essential for such situations.